The New Seat

The new seat in credit card format since 1 January 2013 the new seat there in Germany. And to the delight of all disabled persons associations in Germany. Because these have repeatedly demanded that a new seat would be a relief. With the beginning of the year 2013, the new seat in credit card format has been issued. Even if the introduction step by step, all States must have converted 2015 the seat no later than. With a degree of disability of 50 one in Germany as nonetheless Gets a seat every human being, the degree of disability (short: GdB) has at least 50.

If the degree of disability is at least 50, is considered the person according to the social security code IX. severely disabled and therefore has a claim on this card. The fact is decisive for whether the person has a physical, mental or intellectual disabilities or suffering, that persist for more than six months and is quite affects your daily life. The provisions, as when someone under nonetheless ordered will have but the new seat changed. What are the advantages a new statement there now for disabled people? But not all will get the new seat in credit card format. Only new cards will be awarded in the new design; the old Schwerbehindertenausweise will not be replaced. With credit card format, you want to go very well with the time.

Because even the bank card as also the health card and also the passport are already available in credit card format – now follows the seat. The fact that the material is longer than the paper, is a positive argument that justified the change. An advantage is also that there is evidence of the handicap in English as well. Multilingualism helps often can be a better communication in the foreign country. Also was with the letters “sh-b-a” in Braille ensured that visually impaired persons find your handicapped permit, if you are looking for him in the wallet. More on the topic of seat, see the following link: Enrico Geduhn

Author: admin