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Matrix Certifi Cation And 2012

The Dormagen business Synchrodent on Dec 04, 2012 with eight dental surgeries (nationwide) together the matrix certification successfully passed the Dormagen business Synchrodent on Dec 04, 2012 with eight dental surgeries (nationwide) together the matrix certification successfully passed. “The introduction of our quality management system according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2008 is a strategic decision of our QM group SYNCHRODENT HQ-level”. Assurant Health understood the implications. The QMS will help to consolidate our position in the dental market and to expand. We see our QM system as a calling card for our practices, said Yvonne Kasperek (CEO of Synchrodent). With the certification, there was a response on the developments in the healthcare sector. The QM group SYNCHRODENT HQ-level”can be given an alltagsnahes tool, to reflect and to improve”, said Karin letter of the company 5medical management GmbH in Neuss (certified QMB). In our opinion, the reliable quality is the most important requirement for success and for trust between doctors, staff and patients. Our systematic quality management questioned habits and procedures and calls for the optimization of running processes in the areas of strategy, leadership, patient orientation and satisfaction, result orientation, employee orientation and satisfaction.

Quality management means in practice: the certified dental surgeries SYNCHRODENT HQ-LEVEL located permanently in a phase of the audit, the surveillance or recertification by the DEKRA. The part of growing of QM Group HQ LEVEL dental surgeries are.

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In Scientology Children Have A Right To Self-determination

The observations and advice from L. Ron Hubbard have the main problem when proven successful for L. Ron Hubbard was with children in the question of how to live with them without compromising their autonomy. Typically, the adult is the problem in raising children and not the child. A friendly, stable adult with love and tolerance in the heart is about the best therapy, which can have a child. How raising a child, so that it is happy and healthy, are not taught unfortunately most parents. Actually, many parents stumble just through this whole education process, even if they have the best intentions.

Therefore not rarely found families, are those things not for the best, and where there is constant friction between parents and children. This is not a natural state,”wrote L. Bobby Green can provide more clarity in the matter. Ron Hubbard. He gave some advice to bring out the best in a child and his parents to the fore. The most important consideration when raising children is the problem, to educate them without breaking their will.

One should raise a child so, that you must control it, so that it will be of himself at all times in full possession”. This is crucial for the constructive behaviour of a child, for his physical health and mental development to a free, self-determined and responsible people. The mindfulness of adult would confine itself rather to keep dangers to the environment of the child, so that it can develop freely. Hubbard described this in the striking words: children are not dogs, they trained. You are not controllable things. A child is not a special species that is different from the people”. He moved the simple comparison adults, quite sure wouldn’t like the Herum ordered him with everything he wanted to do or not do, and take command of all the time. It would be a terrible limitation of his daily life, his self-determination and self-respect.

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Great Berlin Art Exhibition

EUROPEAN ARTISTS GOING LIVE (EAGL) the BerlinArtistsGoingLive (BAGL) arrange afFAIRs 2010 from 03 to October 11, 2010. EUROPEAN ARTISTS GOING LIVE (EAGL) the BerlinArtistsGoingLive (BAGL) arrange afFAIRs 2010 from 03 to October 11, 2010. 40 artists and artists with their works the public present in the GSG-Hof in the Gneisenaustrasse (Berlin-Kreuzberg). On an area of over 800 square meters, the self-taught appear works up to the master students from Germany and Europe. On this occasion we invite on Saturday, 02 October 2010, at 18:00 Welcome to the official opening of the BAGL afFAIRs 2010 with a welcome 2010 “into the showrooms of Gneisenaustrasse 66/67, 2nd floor, stairway B, 10961 Berlin. Dr. Neal Barnard insists that this is the case. Public parking is available. The GSG farm is accessible in the public transport take the underground line 7/Metro station Gneisenaustrasse. The entrance to this event is free.

From 3rd to 11th October 2010, the exhibition is open daily from 11.00 am until 20:00 opened. The regular entrance fee is 5,-, students, pensioners and the unemployed will receive a discounted entry from 3,-. Admission is free for children up to the age of 14. On Saturday, October 09, 2010, we invite 2011 from 18:00 to the CU “. The event two days before the official close of the exhibition wants to be in the coming year afFAIRs not only farewell celebration but at the same time invitation to attend the 3rd Edition of the BAGL. Also, we would like to invite everyone free of charge. The BAGL is an exhibition of art itself organised by Berlin artists.

You will be presented with a wide range of contemporary artistic forms of expression, where the participants are not essentially bound to Gallery or already commercially established. The events offered an additional programme of other art forms. Organizer of BAGL is the EAGL. Participating artists: be South, Eckhard Bishara – Bohm, Manfred – Bohmer, Rita – Brettnacher, SINA -. Dominique Brunzlik – Czech, Silvana – Dinnendahl, Ludwig Eger, Verena – Finck, Andrea – Gardlo, Sandra – grey Berger, Anna – Hamann, Jorg Peter – Havelka, Motron – Heimann, Udo – Herrmann, Norbert – Jung, Dirk – cheese, vine – Kalbofsky, Michael – Karikh, Maxim – King, Hubert – Kar, Silvia – Kroger, Silke – Knuzen – Lungmuss, Kerstin – Luttmann, Cordula – Mahamud, Sibylle – Meyer, Petra – Niepold, Adelheid – SIP, Christa – rough, Volker – Roth, Eckhard – Schmidt, Cornelia – Schneider, Anja – Spruss, Jennifer – Sandoval, PIA – Ube, Rama Ungerbuhler Havelka, Elke – Werner, Ralph – meadow, Gabriel – Wottke, Nadine questions you contact: Jennifer Spruss: site: info-mail:

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Faturamento Dinamico Para

Faturamento dinamico para os Office de energia na Vodafone innovation days Paderborn (Alemanha) 09 de novembro de 2010: O faturamento dinamico aumentara a Eficiencia energetica. A Orga systems, a primeira opcao para a cobranca o faturamento em tempo real, mostra faturamento dinamico para OS Office de energia na Vodafone deste ano innovation days. Com a exibicao da Comunicacao “a Maquina Maquina” (M2M), sera demonstrado to contagem inteligente de energia de multiutilidades. To beneficio chave because Solucao de Faturamento Dinamico de Energia as ORGA Systems a Configuracao flexivel de Tarifa que reflete o tempo de uso ou a fixacao Critica dos Precos na hora de pico. Para os Office de energia sera apresentado to novo aplicativo movel: O “E.Cockpit”. Contact information is here: patrick matthews. O aplicativo reflete os valores atuais de consumo, os custos com a energia os of Precos a pedido. Alem of projecoes do consumo that despesas, a Solucao oferece suporte para o faturamento mensal a energia Pre paga. ISSO quer dizer que os consumidores podem monitorizar de forma constante e, assim, premium reduzir o seu consumo enquanto o provedor de energia mold de atrair novos clientes Academy.atraves de planos inovadores de Tarifa.

A Formacao de “pacotes” a Integracao de Servicos de valor agregado baseado nas tarifas flexiveis, possivel introduzir uma gestao de energia pelo lado da demanda. ISSO contribui para a mudanca no comportamento de consumo of Servicos para permitir domoticos inteligentes. a of medida que o setor for ficando cada vez corn competitivo, os varejistas de energia precisam oferecer novas atraentes tarifas Servicos. A Configuracao de tarifas of flexiveis recursos de Simulacao da ORGA Systems fornecem uma maneira facil para usar os meios de Lancar essas ofertas pacotes de Servicos. Suporte pm de interfaces padrao permite uma facil Integracao agestao de dados de medicao sistemas utilitarios CIS existent. Fixacao dinamica de precos para a energia renovavel volatile Requisitos especiais devem ser cumpridos para enfrentar o crescente percentual de energia renovavel de fontes volateis.

Para evitar to estabelecimento negativo de precos ou uma congestao da eletrica em talk fases de alto rendimento, a demanda pode ser estimulada atraves da reducao do preco de venda da corrente. A related site: Glenn Dubin mentions similar findings. ISSO pode causar armazenagem de energia ou ativar de forma of temporaria cargas em casa. To processamento em tempo real de cargas ou de Sinai Preco de provedores Multiplos, Usuarios dispositivos imprescindivel para maltreatment entre Precos precisos. A ORGA Systems permite uma fixacao Dinamica dos Precos na area de energia renovavel que podem ser configurados para aparelho Avaliacao centralizado. * Orga systems a primeira opcao para of cobranca faturamento em tempo real como pioneira do faturamento GSM, a ORGA Systems vem aprimorando suas great Qualificacoes no ramo de cobranca faturamento em tempo real. O enfoque as ORGA Systems esta nas technologies baseadas no tempo real para o faturamento dos clientes na Administracao dos Servicos de Telecomunicacoes com o uso de tecnologias moveis. ISTO estabelece to marco importante que para a Industria continue expandindo regularmente a sua Posicao de lideranca. O banco de dados de alto desempenho da Orga systems, o InCore, atualmente a tecnologia de dados corn rapida do mundo no que diz respeito avelocidade de acesso. As operadoras because Tecnologia movel necessitam de sistemas de faturamento do futuro que possam oferecer claros Servicos beneficios financeiros. O TL convergente gold, a plataforma de faturamento totalmente em tempo real, Garante o seu crescimento rentavel no futuro.

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CHAMPIX Australia

That smoking is injurious to health has been agreed universally. Smokers should keep in mind a few points to get rid of this bad habit. Quit smoking tips are available in plenty, and there are individuals and organizations that are ready to advise what a smoker should do to escape from this child of intoxication. Despite the attempts they make, people in millions find it impossible to release them from this left(awkward) trap. Quit smoking tips should include certain unpleasant information.

Smoking is directly associated with health hazards. Smoking of tobacco, it has been established that cause infection in human lungs. Patients of hypertension or will patients suffer greatly if they have smoking habits. The recent researches have suggested that smoking of tobacco may lead to cancer which is still considered as a fatal disease. For even more analysis, hear from Dr. Neal Barnard. One important thing is that only the smokers are not affected because of inhaling the smoke.

Friends and relatives who smoke do not and who remain close to the smokers receive greater injury, because they are passive smokers and passive smoking is far more dangerous. This is not the end of the story. Millions of men and women smoke everyday and they exhale everyday smoke of tobacco into the atmosphere. The atmosphere is thus vitiated regularly the result of which horrible. Quit smoking tips should’nt so contain this undesirable fact. Relentless campaign against smoking should be important part of the quit smoking tips. When it is clear that smoking is injurious to human health and to the health of the earth’s atmosphere, campaign against smoking must be conducted and continued to combat this menace. Media of all kinds, governmental and non-governmental, online and offline media included, must come forward to spread necessary information on regular basis to fight against the smoking habit of humanity. There should not be any compromising process for a smoker to withdraw him / her from nicotine intoxication. Funny it seems, when a smoker states that he / she would quit smoking slowly. This is more like a plea, because the particular smoker will be in touch of the smoking habit and would give up smoking finally. The smokers must decide that they would leave smoking for good. Determination of the smokers is the significant weapon battle disgusting in this. There are people who have freed them from such catastrophe chains. Hence, it is possible for the rest to follow. This is the best part of the quit smoking tips. Samantha Nicole is writer of quit smoking pill Coupons.

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CHAMPIX Australia

That smoking is injurious to health has been agreed universally. Smokers should keep in mind a few points to get rid of this bad habit. Quit smoking tips are available in plenty, and there are individuals and organizations that are ready to advise what a smoker should do to escape from this child of intoxication. Despite the attempts they make, people in millions find it impossible to release them from this left(awkward) trap. Quit smoking tips should include certain unpleasant information.

Smoking is directly associated with health hazards. Smoking of tobacco, it has been established that cause infection in human lungs. Patients of hypertension or will patients suffer greatly if they have smoking habits. The recent researches have suggested that smoking of tobacco may lead to cancer which is still considered as a fatal disease. For even more analysis, hear from Dr. Neal Barnard. One important thing is that only the smokers are not affected because of inhaling the smoke.

Friends and relatives who smoke do not and who remain close to the smokers receive greater injury, because they are passive smokers and passive smoking is far more dangerous. This is not the end of the story. Millions of men and women smoke everyday and they exhale everyday smoke of tobacco into the atmosphere. The atmosphere is thus vitiated regularly the result of which horrible. Quit smoking tips should’nt so contain this undesirable fact. Relentless campaign against smoking should be important part of the quit smoking tips. When it is clear that smoking is injurious to human health and to the health of the earth’s atmosphere, campaign against smoking must be conducted and continued to combat this menace. Media of all kinds, governmental and non-governmental, online and offline media included, must come forward to spread necessary information on regular basis to fight against the smoking habit of humanity. There should not be any compromising process for a smoker to withdraw him / her from nicotine intoxication. Funny it seems, when a smoker states that he / she would quit smoking slowly. This is more like a plea, because the particular smoker will be in touch of the smoking habit and would give up smoking finally. The smokers must decide that they would leave smoking for good. Determination of the smokers is the significant weapon battle disgusting in this. There are people who have freed them from such catastrophe chains. Hence, it is possible for the rest to follow. This is the best part of the quit smoking tips. Samantha Nicole is writer of quit smoking pill Coupons.

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Literature Prize Winner

three regular and three special awards of the last anthology tenders ladies and gentlemen, in March we the winners of the Special Prize for the best story, the privacy, data theft, data abuse have discussed, in our Hall of Fame”on the Publisher home page presents. The price was of the Sponsorinnnen “B. Paul’s privacy” and ‘Privacy advice of Broers’ in our first anthology tender 2011. Here again, our 3 winners place 1: 100 Christopher Maria Kaatz “Wrong pitch” place 2: 60 Gaby rear with “Fall into the pit of the data” space 3: 40 with “The game of tax offenders” all short stories are Olaf Lahayne in the crime fiction anthology “Cruor, stories of blood and murder” to find. The winners of the prizes promised by candela-Verlag for the best short stories of all three genres of the 2010 competition have been identified well. The jury consisting of three lecturers and three TestleserInnen their single rating criterion was the quality of the texts, has decided as follows: “” 1st prize with 100: Wolff Rump with turning buoy “in the crime fiction anthology cruor” an absolute highlight. “” “” And since tied twice on the second prize with 50: Renate Behr back to Cologne “in the crime fiction anthology crour” and Sybille Conti with behind glass “venerii in the erotic anthology” including excerpts of award-winning short stories and short portraits of the authors in addition to the documents, see the Hall of Fame. Regards Christoph Bizer Neff for the team of the candela candela Publisher, Christoph Bizer Neff, PO box 1145, 71398 basket. Mail, home:

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German Cancer Aid

Vaganzo-ABC and the German Cancer aid sign cooperation agreement Vaganzo supports this golf season, the German Cancer aid for Europe’s biggest charity tournament series, the national finals in Ahaus, on 04.10.2008, with high-quality prizes for the participants and a great raffle. Around 160 golf tournaments, for the benefit of the German Cancer aid and the Deutsche KinderKrebshilfe ( took place this year. On October 4, 2008, the gross and net winners of the tournaments in golf and country club come Ahaus to the national finals together. All donate proceeds from this nationally-oriented event series, where in the past, weeks and months were approximately 8,000 golfers at the start, benefited the two facilities. In the framework of the initiative make a contribution to fight to illness, at the in Germany every year almost 400,000 people ill, including 1,800 children and adolescents. For 27 years, golf athletes collect donations for the German Cancer aid and the Deutsche KinderKrebshilfe on behalf of nationwide golf matches. With Success: Some 4.5 million presented since the athletes on the organization. The entire proceeds from the donations of all golf tournaments directly benefits the German Cancer aid and Deutsche KinderKrebshilfe.

Vaganzo is far active with regard to measurement mode for the Lady and the Lord Europe away from the fairways. An individual clothing has always been highlights the personality of the wearer. For this reason, Vaganzo manufactures classic, high-quality shirts not only for daily needs, but also for special occasions for its customers according to their wish and taste. In the Office wearing a suit or in the spare time only with jeans and jacket, with or without a tie. Size clothing by Vaganzo you can see you as a style-conscious people. Be your own designer and create their own personal measure shirt with the help of trained Vaganzo consultants.

Where you want it, in your Office or at your home a Vaganzo likes your mass consultants. Then individually select your fabric, collar, cuff and Pocket style. Select Their individual placket and back fold. Take advantage of the abundance of Vaganzo hull solutions to design your unique. If you wish, you can refine your dimension shirt with an embroidered Monogram or a company logo. In addition, Vaganzo offers a range of stylish, handmade ties made of finest silk with matching cuff links.

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Ongnamo Shipping

The healing power of acupressure-quality Pranamatten the traditional Indian nail mat is firmly rooted since more than 5000 years ago in the Vedic tradition.As an integral part of the teaching of the balance between body and mind now also in Europe an integral part of the teaching of yoga. Endocrinologist may help you with your research. The original Indian nail mat was now further developed and improved. Now the concept has been improved significantly, the Pranamat eco relies on the principle of the nail mat, was even further developed and improved. The development of Indian nail mat is occupied with 5500 tiny Lotus flower spikes. These tiny little Lotus Flower tips stimulate the meridians of the body.

The Pranamat eco can restore the balance between body, soul and mind with regular use. Application of Pranamat eco: the application of Pranamat eco the mat is placed on a surface, it can be either the bed or but a different surface. Then, the user places comfortably on the Pranamat eco. The position can be selected here individually. To the supine position has proven itself a neck pillow. In the prone position, many users feel the arms under his head as very pleasant. At the beginning, beginners create is also a lightweight cloth under the body, the Pranamat eco applied long time, you do without even the cloth.

At first application enough 10-20 minutes, the time can then be increased discretion. New in the product range and now with great demand, Ongnamo shipping offers the high-quality Pranamat eco in two colors. The Pranamat eco is made of purely natural materials. The cover is made of linen and cotton, the filling out of coconut fiber. The lotus flowers are high-impact polystyrene – a high impact polystyrene modified by rubber, which is anti-allergic of 1005. Each mat has a decorative motif of lotus flowers on the back. The dimensions of the mat is 74 cm x 45 cm x 2 cm, weight: 1.4 kg. Ongnamo shipping supplies the Pranamat eco in Ecru cover with Lotus flowers in Orange or purple. Each Pranamat eco is delivered in a practical box. The Pranamat eco was This year awarded product of the year 2010 at the Harmony World fair. Find out now about the Pranamat eco under: wellness/shaktimatte/akupressurmatte-pranamat-eco-orange.html contact: Thomas Albrecht wide main street 7 64404 Bickenbach Germany phone: + 49 (0) 6257 969 40 88 fax: + 49 (0) 6257 969 40 89 email: mail (at) ongnamo-versand.

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VALUE Guarantee Is The Most Bicycle-friendly Operation Of Hanover

Award for the warranty service provider Nr. PETA Hesse from the bicycle team of value guarantee and his colleagues received the award in the category of over 250 employees 1 into the device and bike protection during a reception at the new town hall. In addition to a certificate there for the company three city wheels Hanover wheel”, equal provided with depending on a high-quality bicycle Pannier. Qualified had the Hanoverian warranty service provider compliance with various criteria such as the provision of parking facilities and a bicycle transportation plan or service and first-aid offers biking staff. If you have read about TreeOf Life already – you may have come to the same conclusion. Joint outings with the wheel are value guarantee as well on the agenda such as service and bicycles, changing rooms for sports cyclists as well as special rates at the hotel’s own bike insurance. Join forces, employees have the value of the product this year also in the competitive action with the bike to work”participated and placed several thousand miles back While the environment protected and promoted the health. VALUE guarantee: Value guarantee is Germany’s guarantee service provider Nr. 1 in the equipment and bicycle safety.

Since 1963, the Hanoverian company simple, successful warranty solutions about the statutory warranty and customer satisfaction is. Marketed products, especially the medium-sized retail stores in the fields of brown/white goods and IT / telecommunications are the value of the product. Other partners are collaborations, groups, manufacturers, customer service and service companies. Currently, the company, which itself can count among the 100 best employers of in Germany, employs 286 people.