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European Christmas Feasts

The butcher’s bricklayer from Nuremberg informed Christmas comes once again with big steps closer. Across Europe, many millions of people already forward to the traditional Christmas feast. Butcher & deli Mason takes a look at European traditions of the feast on this occasion. Attention North, the Danish Christmas feast attracts attention. Typically roast pork, goose or duck with red cabbage and Brown potatoes are treasured here. For dessert, a traditional, equipped with cherry rice porridge is served in an almond is hidden, whose Fund, which a small gift will be rewarded.

In Norway, there is the Christmas porridge with hidden almond. An interesting departure is the importance of the Fund piece.” In Norwegian tradition, it is a good omen for the marriage in the following year. The Norwegian Christmas feast is called Jul Board. The large buffet includes traditional up to 60 different dishes. The Swedish Christmas feast is similar to the Norwegian Board of Jul and is served on Christmas Eve. Various fish dishes, it includes a special Swedish sausage, salads, potatoes, a Christmas ham and the Julkorv. Also the Swedish Christmas buffet is very extensive with speeds up to 38. In contrast, the residents of Lithuania without on Christmas Eve entirely meat-based dishes.

Their traditional Christmas meal is a combination of 12 different dishes, which include multiple variations of fish, soups and pastries. The Lithuanian Christmas tradition is religious, and with each of the twelve dishes reminiscent of a Christian apostle. It belongs to the tradition that each revelers of all twelve food costs. Our Polish neighbors maintain also religiously-oriented Christmas traditions. The Festival begins with the first star shine on Christmas Eve. Before the Christmas meal is enjoyed, gather the revelers around the table and each other reach the Christmas wafers, from which everyone cancels a part as a symbol of love and reconciliation. The actual Fixed dish is carp, various soups and pastries.

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Rosemary Tea

Discover the many health benefits of Rosemary and Rosemary tea, Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) is a small shrub which is up to 1.50 metres tall and is found mainly in the Mediterranean region. Rosemary belongs to the family of the Minzgewachse and is characterized by the intense, aromatic nose of its blue flowers and dark green, pointed leaves. Continue to learn more with: Senator of Massachusetts. Rosemary is one of the oldest and world’s most famous herbs and Rosemary tea is drunk for centuries. Rosemary tea is drunk primarily because its benefits for the health. It contains antioxidants, has diuretic and cleans the liver from damaging toxins as a result. Apart from Rosemary tea offers the following health benefits: Although Rosemary contains tea, unlike black tea, no caffeine, he seems yet stimulating, can improve blood flow in the brain and so the mental capacity increase. Besides stimulating Rosemary tea also reassuring and helps digestive problems for stress, anxiety, muscle tension, and Digestive disorders.

Rosemary tea helps prevent obesity, liver disease, asthma, gastritis and relieve minor complaints such as headaches and colds. Rosemary contains Rosemary essential oils, Rosmarinic acid, glycolic acid, saponins, flavonoids, bitters, resin and vitamin C. you can buy dried in the shop of reform or grow even in the garden. Because the seeds slowly go up you can buy the best seedlings in a nursery. Rosemary grows best when at least 4 hours of direct sunlight per day. Rosemary is a pretty undemanding plant, must be fertilized at most once in the year, takes a slightly sandy soil and should have not too much water.

In the preparation of Rosemary not forget tea that Rosemary is an herb that is pretty strong and sharp. A teaspoon of dried leaves per cup of tea is more than enough. Simply pour boiling water and simmer 5-10 minutes. You should cool the rest of the harvest in closed containers to one and dark place store. Rosemary tea has many health benefits, pregnant women should avoid however Rosemary drinking tea. For economical use, you can however use Rosemary without danger in recipes.

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Winkle Burkhardt Sauces

The noodle factory looks extended its offer. New in the range: looks fine sauces specialties ANDELFINGEN (18.09.2013) – took advantage of her this year’s courtyard party and presented the pasta sauces over 2,000 visitors their latest creation. We wanted to offer, just to test our fine sauces. After all, love goes through the stomach,”so Brigitte looks, owner of the factory. The response was overwhelming.

The fine specialities were very good. At the beginning Schauts are piquant tomato sauce, tomato sauce and a tomato meat sauce in the offer. The available variants to steadily expand. The tasting of the sauce showed that the classic, the tomato sauce, the best arrived at big and small. Which tastes just fine,”a lady commented your purchase while she puts up three glasses of the specialty.

Like it for looks of course is, only selected ingredients for the sauce. The family business is on its products highest quality standards. For looks, there is therefore no question that also the new sauces without added flavor enhancers and preservatives are made. “The packaging design of pasta sauces it leans on the simple presentation of the whole B’Sonderen noodles” at. A plain white label, a Red Ribbon as a seal of freshness with the logo of the manufacturer. Square glasses are used as highlight for the sauces, also reminiscent of the noodles. The contents of a very special treat, packing aesthetic eye-catcher. Good to know what you eat. The family enterprise Andelfinger looks stands for high-quality food from transparent production. Every step of the small factory is at hand looks done. The love and the passion for the own products are lived. We beat the eggs by hand”, explains Brigitte look their attitude. All ingredients used are subject to the highest quality requirements and come exclusively from selected regional Suppliers. Tradition and rooting coexist with the openness to modern requirements. Originated from a farm in the family over the years expanded its capacity to produce its high-quality food and distribute. The result of the refurbishment is a modern glass’ noodle factory, the insight into the production grants and an appealing store, in which regional specialities are offered. The factory was in the year 2005 by the Baden-Wurttemberg Ministry of food and rural areas with a predicate for glass production”award. The passion that looks into their own products, it is reflected in the diversity of the offered pasta specialties, ranging from Frischei pasta of spelt-Frischei noodles to pasta without egg. “The whole of B are a special delicacy ‘ special Frischei noodles”. The pasta dishes with fine aromatic herbs and spices to be refined here. The commitment to the family is steadily to expand the offered variety. With new combinations, new products and other fine ingredients, create new creations and serves customers with new variations. The new sauce creations are available now at select retailers and at online shop. More information about look and you will find the online shop on the Internet under:. Additional information at Dr. John Mcdougall supports this article. Contact: Communications GmbH Markus Wagner Wagner agency Winkle Burkhardt + Weber-Strasse 59 72760 Reutlingen phone 07121 6969-270 fax 07121 6969-299 email