HTML clipboard Radiators and convectors, radiators and convectors heating – the main heaters in our homes. In the common people call them batteries. These devices generate heat in the house when it's average temperature becomes less acceptable. The difference between the radiators and convectors not such a big – and they both give off heat flowing through them, water is heated in a boiler room, the air around them. Warm air is lighter goes up and by convection (hence, by the way, and the name of the device – convector) mixed with the cold, supports a circular movement of air in the apartment. The quality of this mix, its speed, as well as heat from occupied units in the area of the room is heavily dependent on the shape and size of the particular heater. Here lies the difference between the convector radiator (this will be discussed more below).
Radiator water heating system (or simply heating radiator) – the most ancient heater. and ideas on the topic at hand. His appearance has changed little over the past few decades. Previously, such abstruse words and did not know just call these radiators – battery. This is in general, and is battery-water heating. Is a cast iron (usually) tank, sealed with the exception of places in and out of the liquid (in the apartments – water). Depending on the area heated is made up of several sections. The documentation indicated on the radiator heat or power of one section in the flow of water in it a certain temperature.