
The style of current life can be made responsible by 54% of the risk of death for infarto and 50% of the death risk by cerebral spill, the main causes of death in our country. Thus, we see as the physical activity is subject of public health (MONTTI, 2007, P. 1). To a large extent of the developing countries, more than 60% of the adults they do not practise an adequate level of physical exercise, being that the person more subjects to the sedentarismo is: the aged one, the person of partner-economic level lower the incapacitated individual (MONTTI, 2007). For term AF, we find in literature diverse definitions. As Caspersen (1985) is defined as any corporal movement produced by the esquelticos muscles that result in bigger energy expense of what the rest levels, including the daily activities, as if to bathe, to be dressed; the activities of work, as to walk, to load; the activities of leisure, as if to exercise, to practise sports, to dance, etc.

For the physical aptitude, al adopts the definition of Bouchard et. (1990): a dynamic state of energy and vitality that each one allows, functioning in the peak of its intellectual capacity, to carry through the tasks of the daily one, to occupy the leisure hours actively, to face unexpected emergencies without extreme fatigue, to feel a joy of living and preventing the appearance of the hipocinticas disfunes. In accordance with Hipcrates, ' ' All part of the body will become healthy, developed well and with slow aging if exercised; however, if they will not be exercised, such parts they will become susceptible the illnesses, deficient in the growth and will age precocemente' ' (TURIBIO, 1997). The physical activity consensualmente is defined as all and any corporal movement produced by the contraction muscle-esqueltico resulting in an energy expense. 2.2.4 Physiological aspects of envelhecimeo One of the aspects that must be considered in the relation activity physical, illness and health in population terms it is the choice of the type of physical activity to be prescribed in the third age.

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