Bartolomeu Areas

The actions of chemotherapy and treatment of criadouros with moluscicidas had had beginning in the following year, reaching all the cities of the region. In the State of Pernambuco, Barbosa and cols4 had associated the urbanization of esquistossomose as result of migration of people originating agricultural areas or small localities in the search for work in the cities of bigger transport, where frequently they are kept out of society of the economic process, and many see to inhabit in urban areas without the minimum basic conditions of sanitation. With this migrante population, those areas with natural water courses, of adjusted characteristics, and the presence of natural criadouros of planorbdeos had started to be focos of transmission of the infection for the S. mansoni. Therefore, in Brazil many authors associate the phenomenon of urbanization of esquistossomose with socioeconmicos components and comportamentais3 4 5 9.

In the last coproscpico inquiry, carried through for the FUNASA between the years of 1993 and 1994, the City of Salvador was considered as area of low endemicidade for esquitossomose8. Later, the Prado and cols17 had found 2.2% of prevalence of esquistossomose when examining 1,131 fecais samples of children of 7 the 14 resident years in some quarters of the City of Salvador, but the prevalence observed (30.2%) in the infantile population of this same etria band, of the quarter of Is Bartolomeu, also with the accomplishment of only one parasitolgico excrement examination, and the significant frequency (9.3%) of children with raised parasitic load of S. mansoni, indicates the presence of focus of transmission of the infection in this quarter. In the State of Pernambuco, Barbosa and cols4 had associated the urbanization of esquistossomose as result of the migration of people originating agricultural areas or small localities in the search for work in the cities of bigger transport, where frequently they are kept out of society of the economic process, and many see to inhabit in urban areas without the minimum basic conditions of sanitation.

Author: admin