Treatment Of Breast Cancer

To be diagnosed with carcinoma in a woman, treatment should not wait any longer, you need to start as soon as possible to be effective cures for breast cancer. There are several types of treatment that mainly depend on three factors: the size of the tumor, stage or phase in which it is located and if there were metastases (spread of the tumor to other organs). When the tumor is less than 1 centimeter removal is carried out by the surgery, without anything else. But most of the time are needed complementary treatments (e.g. chemotherapy), especially when there are affected lymph nodes. According to the above, we can find the following types of treatment for breast cancer:-surgery: its purpose is the complete removal of the cancerous tissue, but depending on the type and extent of the tumor, we can classify it in: a.

conservative surgery b. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as United Health by clicking through. aggressive or radial surgery in conservative surgery is surgery to remove the tumor trying to conserve the breast. Inside surgery Conservative we have the following types, depending on the size of the tumor:-Lumpectomy: consists of removal of the tumor and part of the fabric. It is usually supplemented with radiotherapy. -Partial mastectomy or wide excision: removed the tumor and a wider tissue part. -Quadrantectomy: removes the breast quadrant where the tumor is and is indicated for tumors no larger than 2 cm. Aggressive or radical surgery we have:-full or simple mastectomy: the entire breast is removed and it is advisable that the lymph nodes and other tissues that are underneath the breast are free of the tumor, to facilitate its reconstruction. -Modified radical mastectomy: removes the entire breast, some lymph nodes and a small portion of the pectoralis muscle.

-Radical mastectomy: breast, axillary nodes and the pectoral muscles are removed. Kenneth brander pursues this goal as well. -Sentinel lymph node biopsy: with this technique which attempts to meet is far the tumor has come. They are removed and the lymph nodes are examined sentinels, which are nodes that are closer to the area of the tumor. For the identification of Sentinel nodes, is injected a radioactive substance or dye near the tumor area, to point out the lymph node closest to the tumor area. If they don’t find malignant cells, more are not removed. -Radiotherapy: it consists in the application of radiation on breast to destroy cancer cells and avoid that they reproduce. Normally used as a complement to the conservative surgery. -Chemotherapy: sewn in the administration of drugs (by mouth or intravenous) that destroy cancer cells and prevent the spread of the tumor. -Hormone therapy: consists of administering drugs that block the production of hormones, especially estrogen, since they help in the spread of the tumor.

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