The Street

. But here there is another ingredient that destroys our most precious fusion, we have associated the word conflict and its meaning to the problematical, what isn’t right, what does not work. THE CONFLICT IS INHERENT TO HUMAN LIFE, AND THEREFORE, ANYTHING THAT IS ASSOCIATED WITH IT, ALSO. When this part of our emotional lives is not understood from this desired reality, start games within couples who mingles with love and life as a couple. We desgatamos us wanting to force compliance, but as our partner you also meet so us and frustration sends. Already we do not love the couple, we depend on it, we want that the link be established as we need, if we are not able to ask for it, because we demand. And why not. It is our partner!. Games in couple relationships are infinities, and of course, that both members collaborate to make it happen: the INTERROGATION: where did you go with who you were, what time you came, what you said?. You look for in the House of your cousin and not were? Why you came so late work, yes always salts at four o’clock? CONTROL: do in that you spend all the money they give you, or that you win? Do to make you want to go to that place, better wait for me and I carry you? To me those friendships than? you have I do not like, better we stay at home watching a movie? What rare always have things to do in the street? BLACKMAIL: For you that early Yes always comes from bad? I that came with so many ganas de Verte and me salts with what you want to go with your parents, or the film? Me quisieras Yes of truth; would you go with me, where to my I like? INDIFFERENCE: I came to the House and you don’t speak I will eat with some clients and not notice you.

Author: admin