Medical Subject Headings

The works must be typed in Microsoft Word. The work must have 3,000 words approximately. The authors must keep in its power one copy of the sent material. The heading page must contain the information in the following order: Heading in Portuguese and English, complete and concise; Heading summarized, with up to 60 characters, including space; Name for extensive of the authors in very small letters, separate for comma; Name, address, telephone and email of the correspondence author; Numbered indication of the filiation institucional of each author (up to two), without abbreviations; Sources of aid, stock markets and equipment mentioning the n of the process; Declaration of the inexistence of interest conflicts; To determine the specific area of the article. The summaries in Portuguese and English must consist in page 2. The original articles must contain the summary and ' ' abstract' ' in the structuralized format, with maximum of 250 words, the following item in format of one only paragraph with heading in boldface inside of the text. More information is housed here: endocrinologist. Objective/Objective (objective of the study based on basic references).

Methods/Methods (description of the object of the work such as, patients, animals, plants etc. and the employed methodology). Results/Results (logical order without interpretation it author). Conclusions/Conclusions (to tie the conclusions with the objective of the study). To give preference to the use of the third person and impersonal form. For other article categories the format of the summaries must be the narrative with ties 250 words. The describers identify the content of the article.

They must be indicated ties five describers. To determine the same ones in Portuguese to consult ' ' Describers in Sciences of the Sade' ' (DeCS) elaborated for Bireme (). To indicate the describers in English to consult ' ' Medical Subject Headings' ' (MeSH).

Author: admin