Graduate Masters

Since the 2001 World Social Forum (WSF) was held in Brazil it is understood as an alternative to FEM The most important item on the agenda of the WEF is an increase in living standards globally. Among the most recent achievements was the adoption of a global plan to stop the spread of tuberculosis (2006) and a program of the G-8 initiated by British Prime Minister Tony Blair in 2005 to alleviate the effects of poverty and climate change. It is said that some feel the WEF forum for the rich, where business leaders and big businessmen put pressure on politicians to enforce their own interests at the fact that they have attended a significant number of participants from different countries with interest solutions, alternatives, which promote coping with crisis, specifically, hundreds of political and business leaders enter a world are already meeting in the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, where he is expected to discuss the recent reduction in rates interest in the U.S. and the world economy crisis. and concerns have been expressed, such as pointing commenting that fiscal stimulus to the economy are not enough to launch, are important but not sufficient, said economist Steven Roach, Morgan Stanley, in the first session of the World Economic Forum, held annually in Davos, Switzerland. a For Roach, which serve policies are coordinated and, above all it is necessary to “clean up” the toxic actions that banks still have, finding a mechanism to give a “price.” The first session, very busy, in Davos, which always sets the stage for subsequent discussions, is dedicated to the global economic crisis.

On the table should have expected, but instead, the confrontation moved about the new rules and cooperation. The only to give some estimate was Roach, who said that in 2009 will be the first time since 1945 that the global economy shrinks. se. To see growth rates of 5% will need to wait for 3-4 years. ” “Next year I think growth will be deployed to 2.5%, but many countries are in recession,” he said. However, nobody seems to agree with him. “The estimate is too optimistic,” said the Japanese economist Heizo Takenaka, director of the Global Security Research Institute Keio University. The panelists are all agreed that tax incentives are important but not sufficient.

Laura Tyson, adviser to the U.S. President, Barack Obama, said that before the crisis “the next step is very simple, cut the toxic actions severely affecting the balance sheets and recapitalize the banks with different rules so they can return to their activities credit. ” ACZ definitely in the five-day meeting participants are expected to discuss various issues addition, as the spread of nuclear weapons, economic forecasting, financial markets, instability in the Middle East, and growing concern about prices energy. Of course, there is much interest as noted on the a related to the Middle East and a have a strong presence with King Abdullah of Jordan, the Palestinian and Lebanese presidents and Israeli Prime Minister. Several sessions will be devoted to the Middle East, which concentrate mainly on Iraq. At the Davos meeting have been invited influential Shiite faction leaders, Sunni and Kurdish Ira really hope that this meeting will provide favorable results, actions to ensure change, hope to solve the serious problems facing the world today.

Author: admin