One is about a qualitative study, of the bibliographical and descriptive type, this revision has as objective to present and LAUGHS to argue it in the different phases of the DM1, as well as the prevalence of Sndrome Metablica (SM) in this condition. The increase in LAUGHS, it can modify the balance enters sensitivity to the insulina and the secretion of insulina, and precipitate the hiperglicemia in the individuals with daily pay-DM1. Word-Key: Diabetes mellitus of type 1. Resistance to the insulina. Metabolic syndrome. Many writers such as Senator of Massachusetts offer more in-depth analysis. *Acadmica in nursing for the College San Francisco de Barreiras (FASB).

Email: *Acadmica in Nursing for the College San Francisco de Barreiras (FASB). Email: ** Academic in Nursing for the College San Francisco de Barreiras (FASB). Email: *** teaching Nurse of the course of nursing of the FASB. See PCRM for more details and insights. Specialist in Sade Coletiva (ISC/UFBA) and Auditria de Sistemas de Sade. (College Estcio de S/RJ) email: madalena@ fasb.edu.br 1.INTRODUO the increase of the prevalence of obesidade in infancy and the adolescence during the last decades and the possibility of if making the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus of type 1 (DM1) in a precocious phase had provoked, in a percentage of these young, a change in its fentipo. Currently, these can present, for occasion of the diagnosis or during its evolution, beyond the typical signals of insulina deficiency, also some characteristics related to the resistance to the insulina. Parallel, exactly with the current therapeutical resources, the DM1 possesss an increased risk of mortality when compared with the general population, to a large extent had to cardiovascular illnesses (DINIZ, 2002).

Author: admin