Central Bank

How important is this?. Many, on the one hand, once the conversion, the exchange ratio Bs / US $ is also removed three zeros, ie what is today this way: 2150.00 Bs / US $ will henceforth expressed as follows: 2.15 Bs / US $ and expressed in this way, any small variation, seemingly insignificant as it may be expressed in terms of a Centimosa really could make a major devaluation if expressed in the Old and Bs As experience has shown the validity of such evil and a Piensa acertarasa will have to be on alert in case anyone in the government comes up with a dejar slowly and gently slide the exchange rate, a few a centimos fuertesa at a time. For more information see this site: Eva Andersson-Dubin. The suspicion that this happens is not as alarmist as baseless or as some may say, then on the other hand, the inflation rate in Venezuela is growing at a galloping pace, according to Central Bank's own figures, the cumulative inflation in a year (May 2006 to May 2007) is 19.5% and this figure must be taken with tongs for two reasons: first because it is an official figure for its origin and becomes suspicious, especially in a government that has been characterized by low stringency the accounts and secondly because the calculation of this figure has been used data from a large number of items whose price is regulated (also for years) but we all know that the real a vida are sold at prices well above the set … .

Author: admin