Cancer is the name given to a set of more than one hundred illnesses that have emcomum the disordered growth of cells that invade fabrics ergos, being able to spread themselves (metstase) for other regions of the body. Osdiferentes types of cancer body corresponds to some types of cells donosso. For example, diverse types of skin cancer exist, because the skin is formed of more than a type of cell. According to Senator Elizabeth Warren, who has experience with these questions. If the temincio cancer in epithelial fabrics, as the skin or mucosa, it is denominadoCARCINOMA.Se starts in conjunctive fabrics as bone, muscle or mesmocartilagem, are called SARCOMA. Learn more about this topic with the insights from James A. Levine, M.D.. Specialists if had inhaled in the constellation of Cancer that subject forms of a crab, and to palavracncer, whose karkinos term happens of the Greek and the Latin cancer, significandocaranguejo symbolically for the similarity it enters the entumescidas veins of umtumor and the legs of the animal, as well as for its aggressiveness, imprevisibilidade and capacity of capture.
Cancer is onome given to a set of more than 100 illnesses that have in common crescimentodesordenado (malignant) declulas that they invade fabrics and agencies, being able to spread (metstase, metstasis word that esignifica displacement comes of the Greek, place change) for other regions docorpo. Dividing itself quickly, these cells very tend to be aggressive eincontrolveis, determining the malignant formation of tumors (accumulation of clulascancerosas) or neoplasias. On the other hand, a tumor benignosignifica simply a located mass of cells that if multiplicamvagarosamente and if are similar to its fabric original, constituting rare umrisco of life. Osdiferentes types of cancer corresponds to some types of cells of the body. For example, diverse types of skin cancer exist because the skin is formadade more than a type of cell. If the cancer has beginning in epithelial fabrics comopele or mucosae it is called carcinoma (CEC, CBC and carcinomade transicionais cells).
If conjuntivoscomo starts in fabrics bone, muscle or cartilage is called sarcoma. Others characteristics that differentiate the diverse types of cancer between itself soa multiplication speed of the cells and the capacity to invade weaveeed neighboring or distant ergos (metstases). Source: INCA Suely hospital 06/8495Psicloga OliveirPsicloga CRP/Psico oncologistPs grad. For the a.C.Camarg Cancer