Integrativas PASS

The PICs, with the aid of the PNPIC, had started to be efficient techniques and safe it stops treatments of some patologias and the PASS showed successfully that it is possible to have this type of attendance in public nets. References 1. School Catarinense de Natural Terapias ‘ ‘ Clara’ saint; ‘. Integrated center of Studies and Research of the Man. It emends of Basic Theories of the MTC Acupuntura Bioenergtica.

Santa Catarina: 5Ed. 2009. 2. Brazil. Health department. James A. Levine, M.D. can provide more clarity in the matter. It would carry n 971 (03 of May of 2006).

National politics of practical complementary integrativas and (PNPIC) in the Only System of Health. 3. HEALTH DEPARTMENT. Practical National politics of Integrativas and Complementares in the SUS. Brasilia DF. 1 ed. 2006. 4. Gouveia, G.C, Martelli, P.J.L, Saints, F.A.S, Vasconcelos, E.M.R, Acupuntura in the only system of health and the insertion of professionals not-doctors. Brazilian magazine of Fisioterapia, Is Carlos, v. 13, N. 4, P. 330-4, jul. /ago. 2009. 5. Secretariat of the Health of the State of Gois. Hospital of Medicine Alternative. Goinia; 2010 access 25 mai 2011. Available in: 6. Health department, Secretariat of Attention to the Health, Department of Basic Attention. Brasilia: Health department, 2009. Figure 1. Analogical Appearance of Faces scales. Source: (McGRATH, 1990).

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