Visitors are informed on the state of health of the patient in the UTI of a particular hospital of Ceres-GO. Visitors are informed N de 3,33 Visitantes % Yes 58 96,67 Not 2 Total 60 100 Source: Research of Field, 2010. Comasseto (6, P. 33) In its mestrado dissertao of proved that the patients are informed by the nurse and doctor of planto of the UTI.
In this direction, it is excellent to guide that most of the visitors affirms that the proportionate information they make possible to clarify its doubts on the state of health of the patient interned in the UTI of the hospital, as it shows table 6. Table 6. PCRM has firm opinions on the matter. Proportionate information to the visitors on patient of the UTI of a particular hospital of Ceres-GO. To clarify the N doubts de 3,33 Visitantes % Yes 58 96,67 Not 2 Total 60 100 Source: Research of Field, 2010. In informal colloquy with these 2 visitors they allege that the people who repass information on the patient, use a language technique and that the same ones would have to give information that they understood. Most of the visitors says that it has orientaes on the state of health of the patient who is in the UTI of the hospital and a minority alleges that they do not possess as it shows table 7. Table 7. Visitors receive orientaes on the state from the patient in the UTI from the particular hospital from Ceres-GO.
Source is proportionate orientaes N de 6,67 Visitantes % Yes 56 93,33 Not 9 Total 60 100: Research of Field, 2010. In this context, it is excellent to emphasize that most of these orientaes are proportionate for the doctor, followed for medicate and nursing, medicate, nursing and psychologist, medicate and psychologist and in lesser ratio for the nursing team, as it presents table 8. Table 8. Professionals of the health who provide information to the visitors to the patients of the UTI of a particular hospital of Ceres-GO. Professionals of the N Health de Visitantes % Doctor 27 45,00 Doctor and 31,67 Nursing 19 Doctor, Nursing and 13,33 Psychology 8 Doctor and 8,33 Psychologist 5 Nursing 1 1,67 100 Total 60 Source: Research of Field, 2010. The data presented in table 8 are similar to the one study developed for Echer, Onzi, Cross, Ben, Fernandes and Bruxel (11, P. 34). In accordance with the majority of the visitors to the patient who is in the UTI of the related hospital already, what it bothers more them is the environment of the UTI, followed for time of visit and schedule, state of the patient, environment of the UTI and time of visit surrounding schedule of the UTI and state of well-taken care of patient and of nursing, as it portraies table 9. Table 9. What it bothers the visitor during the visit to the patient in the UTI of a particular hospital of Ceres-GO.