The Presence

In social scope, the low pertaining to school and socioeconmicos levels are associates to the DST? s, as well as use of alcohol and drugs, that already had been proven by diverse studies (TAQUETTE et al., 2005). Are known that the DST? s favors the possibility of infection for virus HIV. Of all the AIDS cases, in accordance with the categories of exposition, the sexual transmission are dominant (53%). As the period of latency of the pathology he is long, being able to arrive up to 11 years, can be concluded that a good part of the carriers has been infectados in adolescence (TAQUETTE; VILHENA; PAULA, 2004). They is esteem that 10 million adolescents are carrying of the HIV, or present predisposition for development of the AIDS in next the 3 15 years. One knows that approximately 80% of the transmissions of the HIV elapse of practical sexual not protecting. In the presence of infection for a DST, the possibility of transmission of the HIV it is of 3 5 times bigger (THIENGO; OLIVEIRA; RODRIGUES, 2005). 2.3 professionals of the health and the prevention of the DST? s in the adolescence In the adolescence always has time to correct distortions, missed concepts, so that it has necessary readjustments in the life of the adolescent. In this way, if it becomes important to know the beddings biopsquicos that generate the characteristics of the adolescent behavior in way to the expectations and requirements, as well as the familiar adaptations that involve the participation of the parents and the paper to be played by the when requested professional of health to intervine (COAST; SOUZA, 2005). Used programs as interventions played in other countries with adolescents who are part of the social minorities, had shown that the exposition of the knowledge if makes important, however this is not enough to generate impact in the behavior of sexual risk (WALTER; VAUGHN, 1993 apud BORGES; MEDEIROS, 2004).

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