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National Natural Monument

Also known for something, according to the famous writer Dora Alonso, as the crazy garden. Also found at the entrance and scattered throughout the garden some ferns of interest, mainly by its beauty or its properties. Among the first are representatives of the genus Cyathea, known as tree ferns. Two representatives of the Polypodium genus can be observed on trees: Polypodium aureum and P. polypodioides.

Both are used, according to local tradition, to fight liver disease. In regards to the second, it is common to see over the trees, mainly in the summer, seemingly dead and withered; to put it in a vase with water or after a downpour, it regains its luxuriance in a few minutes, totally changing the physiognomy of the forest in the garden. Next to the entrance door is one of the most important plants of Cuba and known around the world. It is the only one of our plants declared National Natural Monument since 1980. Belongs to a family with very few species on the planet, each which is a rarity in the world. This species coexisted with dinosaurs, large Jurassic reptiles already missing, reaching us despite the great cataclysms of the Caribbean area. It seems a Palm and isn’t it.

Reproduces by cones. His name is Microcycas calocoma, popularly known as Palma Cork. The same name does not reflect their true appearance, since neither is small (micro) nor is a Cycas and much less a Palm. All curiosity. Everything described belongs to the front area, where you will find most of the ornamental plants, which can be planted in small beds, in soil or in pots that hang on the walls of the House. The colouring comes from flowers and multicolored leaves the crotos (Codiaeum variegatum), the robes (Plectranthus scutellarioides) and the Chinese madamas of various colors (Impatiens wallerana), among other many plants. Also from the garden area where trees have been placed numerous ornaments, mainly toys. In addition, most fragrant plants are nearly the entry, attracting the attention of passers-by, which is accentuated in the evening and early hours of the night. Once inside and visited this first part, the temptation to move to the interior and venture into the forest is irresistible. The rest of the garden will be described in the next article, in which you will know some of the orchid species that inhabit Eastern place and different trees of this curious spot. We invite you to visit the garden. You will not regret.

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The type 2 diabetes at greater weight, increased the risk of type 2 diabetes. Contact information is here: PCRM. More than 80% of people who suffer from this type of diabetes also suffer from overweight. Cancer obese or overweight men also have an increased risk of developing certain types of cancer, such as: colon, bladder, prostate and kidney cancer. Steatosis Hepatica men suffering from overweight also have a high risk of acquiring non-alcoholic hepatic steatosis due to insulin resistance. Dr. John Mcdougall has firm opinions on the matter. Major IMC, worst picture of liver disease. Disorders of gallbladder obese men have 3 times more likely to suffer from diseases of the gallbladder that a healthy man. Respiratory problems obese men are more likely to suffer from apnea during sleep, asthma, severe bronchitis, and other respiratory problems.

Increased risk of arthritis due to overweight, obese men are more likely to suffer from osteoarthritis, especially in the knees. Social and emotional stigma many men who suffer from overweight have self-esteem problems. Society in general tends to belittle the obese. It may be hard and complex the find appropriate clothing, a partner and may even suffer discrimination by having to catch a flight, go to a restaurant, and many other unpleasant things. What can you do in this respect? If you suffer from overweight or obese, there are many things you can do to change your life completely. Diets and exercises are a good start, and visit your doctor and ask for advice is another big step. In many cases the certain diet pills can be a very useful tool in wanting to remove those extra pounds. In extreme cases, even a valid option are the surgeries of various types. Remember, each step taken in this direction is a step that brings you closer to a healthy lifestyle in all aspects. Consult your doctor, and visit for more information.

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Dapoxetine Effects

Priligy Dapoxetine is the first prescription drug each man learns to control his ejaculation in the course of his sexual life. But he can’t, do this step or learned control will disappear, and even anxiety, pressure, or other psychological problems are added, the premature ejaculation occurs more often and more massive. Click Senator of Massachusetts to learn more. Long was prevented after an active ingredient, the most common of all sexual dysfunction, premature ejaculation without unacceptable side effects. Representative surveys have shown that premature ejaculation sex life interferes more frequently as an erectile dysfunction. This occurs only in most cases aged, while the ejaculation disorder can affect men of all age groups. The active ingredient of Dapoxetine for the treatment of premature ejaculation has been approved as the first prescription drug.

Priligy Dapoxetine is the first prescription drug that demonstrably controls the balance of serotonin and inhibits so the ejaculatory reflex. Priligy is a unique drug, that allows you to long and excellent sex with your partner. Several clinical studies with Priligy come to the conclusion that the time of orgasm by up to 300% can be delayed. The studies were the basis for the admission of Priligy the European health authority. Product name: Priligy generic (Dapoxetine) 60 mg active ingredient name: Dapoxetine dosage: 60 instructions about what I should tell my doctor or my doctor, before taking Priligy (Dapoxetine)? You need to know whether you have the following health problems: diabetes an unusual or allergic reaction to Dapoxetine, other ingredients, natural remedy, foods, dyes, or preservatives frequent spasms of liver disease psychosis bipolar disorder or manic depression pregnancy of your partner or your Schwangeschaftswunsch breastfeeding your partner which can side effects I at taking Priligy (Dapoxetine) expect? Side effects of Priligy, you health care professional or your doctor inform immediately to: allergic reactions such as itching, rash or hives, swelling of the face, lips, or tongue side effects that require normally no immediate medical treatment (contact your doctor anyway, if these symptoms continue or bother): headache, diarrhea or constipation dizziness sleeplessness nausea or vomiting, dry mouth please take note, that this collection contains all possible risks and side effects of Priligy.

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The Liver

The liver is occupied by not only destroy the harmful, but also the production efficiency. This is a real complex biochemical synthesis, and in combination – the repository of the necessary reagents. The liver produces cholesterol, phospholipids, and lipids, bile acid (the main component of bile), hormones and enzymes for the process of fat digestion in the intestine, plasma proteins, glucose (from other organic substances); stores supplies of vitamins, minerals and glycogen – quick source of glucose for its lack. And of course, is much shorter list. The liver can make even the loss of blood, "squeezing" the surplus of their vessels. And while the liver never complains.

It virtually no nerve endings, so it simply can not afford to be ill. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Dr. John Mcdougall. When workers die of poisoned cells (hepatocytes), when in their place comes useless connectors or fat – it is silent. The first signals only come in the form of gravity in the right side – the reaction of surrounding tissue to a significant increase in the size of the organ, which may be easily determined at the initial examination. Or is the problem starts with the whole dependent liver neighbor – the gall bladder (cholecystitis). When the liver is not coping, there is a discoloration of the skin, mucous membranes, sclera eye (jaundice), can become discolored feces, and urine becomes dark. Add to this the itchy skin, the appearance of vascular "stars" on the upper chest, neck and face, chronic fatigue, irritability, reduced intellectual capacity (because of constant intoxication). In Anyway, at the first sign that something is wrong, you want a qualified doctor. It is clear that to find such in our open spaces is not easy, but worth it. Self and blind faith can be the first that fell Aesculapius result in equally deplorable. There are a group of drugs that are always assigned no matter what the cause of liver disease (as well as antiviral, choleretic, anti-inflammatory drugs, immunomodulators, vitamins).

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The Gentle Correction Of Problem Zones Using The Injection-lipolysis

Dr. med. Nazif Tsvetkov informed specialist in Gynecology and obstetrics for healthy nutrition and balanced diet are also significant, as a sufficient range of motion and physical activity realization of an ideal of the right body image. Compliance with these factors do not always prevent that smaller problem areas remain, in which fatty deposits just not want to disappear. The Gelsenkirchen specialist in gynaecology and obstetrics, MD Nazif Tsvetkov, introduces friendly solution of corresponding aesthetic problems due to this the injection-lipolysis as easy. The injection-lipolysis is an aesthetic therapy applied since the mid-1990s as gentle resolution smaller fat deposits. It was developed in Brazil by the doctor Dr. Patricia ride and takes in Germany since the founding of the network lipolysis”in 2003 to spread. Dr. John Mcdougall describes an additional similar source.

Now is considered to be standard procedure in esthetic therapy and one enjoys Reputation based, in particular, that even after many thousand applications no serious side effects are known. In the frame of the injection-lipolysis, smaller fat deposits of the human body be resolved chemically through a targeted injection. The substance to use Phosphatidylcholine is extracted from soybeans and comes apart from the aesthetic therapy in drug for treating lipid metabolism disorders and liver disease to the use. For the injection-lipolysis, Phosphatidylcholine is dissolved and injected into fat deposits in the bile acid deoxycholic acid. There it initially causes the dissolution of the walls of fat cells, binds the fatty acids released this and ensures their transport to the liver through natural metabolic processes. Be used the dissolved body fats as an energy carrier of human metabolism in the liver.

The friendly, risk-free nature of the injection-lipolysis due to the fact that it stimulates normal metabolic processes and hence no unnatural intervention in the represents the human body. Body fats, promoted to the human metabolic processes of lipolysis can be processed completely, so that they don’t accumulate in the form of fat cells. For this reason, the field of application of injection-lipolysis confined to the aesthetic correction of minor problem areas. It is not suitable to contribute to weight loss or break down of large fat deposits. Should be used here, is a technique for liposuction (Liopsuction) reasonable. The procedure of the injection-lipolysis requires a high precision and experience in dealing with Phosphatidylcholine. It is therefore advisable to carry out the therapy by a trained expert. Doctors, who, like Dr. med. Nazif Tsvetkov, the network lipolysis”belong to, set down internationally developed, strict rules of therapy and training procedures. Patients can be sure to find the necessary expertise for a professional injection-lipolysis. Dr. med. Nazif Tsvetkov stands for further information and expert advice to the injection-lipolysis in their Gelsenkkirchener practice available.

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Infertility in women has become today a fairly common problem, and have very different origins. Because on many occasions to which women postponed motherhood until there is economic stability, which prevails over the emotional maturity, their fertility rate decreases with the passage of the years. Infertility in women is also seen associated directly to your lifestyle: bad diet or subjection to stringent diets; Obesity; lack of exercise or excessive exercise that causes of loss of body fat; vices such as alcohol, drug use and smoking, etc. However there may also be causes of genetic origin or for injuries that were suffered over the years. Learn more about this with Dr. Neal Barnard. Causes of genetic origin include malformations in the cervix by cysts, infections and tumors, obstruction of the fallopian tubes caused by endometriosis, infections, malformations and tumors, tumors in the ovaries or presence of Polycystic ovaries; inflammatory diseases Pelvic caused by endometriosis; chronic diseases, etc. It should be noted that in several cases, infections in the vagina can be caused by changes in the PH of the woman, either due to some change in your diet, to temperature changes according to station (is in the summer, being warmer, when they are more likely to suffer from this kind of infections), poor hygiene intimate or abuse of Vaginal Douches, frequent use of lubricants, etc. Also diseases can be listed as Diabetes, thyroid, hyperprolactinemia caused by tumors hypothalamic, suffering from some kind of liver disease that affects the metabolism of estrogen; adrenal diseases, etc.

And Lastly, but no less important, is the stress that can be physical and/or psychological type. To suffer from stress, either because it cannot be reached to conceive no matter how many times concerned or because some pathology were detected, the majorities of the metabolic functions are altered thus preventing conception.

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Rosemary Tea

Discover the many health benefits of Rosemary and Rosemary tea, Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) is a small shrub which is up to 1.50 metres tall and is found mainly in the Mediterranean region. Rosemary belongs to the family of the Minzgewachse and is characterized by the intense, aromatic nose of its blue flowers and dark green, pointed leaves. Continue to learn more with: Senator of Massachusetts. Rosemary is one of the oldest and world’s most famous herbs and Rosemary tea is drunk for centuries. Rosemary tea is drunk primarily because its benefits for the health. It contains antioxidants, has diuretic and cleans the liver from damaging toxins as a result. Apart from Rosemary tea offers the following health benefits: Although Rosemary contains tea, unlike black tea, no caffeine, he seems yet stimulating, can improve blood flow in the brain and so the mental capacity increase. Besides stimulating Rosemary tea also reassuring and helps digestive problems for stress, anxiety, muscle tension, and Digestive disorders.

Rosemary tea helps prevent obesity, liver disease, asthma, gastritis and relieve minor complaints such as headaches and colds. Rosemary contains Rosemary essential oils, Rosmarinic acid, glycolic acid, saponins, flavonoids, bitters, resin and vitamin C. you can buy dried in the shop of reform or grow even in the garden. Because the seeds slowly go up you can buy the best seedlings in a nursery. Rosemary grows best when at least 4 hours of direct sunlight per day. Rosemary is a pretty undemanding plant, must be fertilized at most once in the year, takes a slightly sandy soil and should have not too much water.

In the preparation of Rosemary not forget tea that Rosemary is an herb that is pretty strong and sharp. A teaspoon of dried leaves per cup of tea is more than enough. Simply pour boiling water and simmer 5-10 minutes. You should cool the rest of the harvest in closed containers to one and dark place store. Rosemary tea has many health benefits, pregnant women should avoid however Rosemary drinking tea. For economical use, you can however use Rosemary without danger in recipes.

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Men: The Weaker Sex

Men overestimate their health and neglect prevention men can not cook? Men eat unhealthier than women? Men deal with their bodies painfully than women? All prejudices? Far from. Most men barely Cook, instead rather eat fast food and further depletion on her body. The Internet health portal informs about the unhealthy Lebenswese of many men. Fast food such as kebabs, fries and hamburger stands in men often on the menu. Eight out of ten men calorie diet is largely how shortly emerges from a survey of the society for consumer research, GfK. Therefore, almost every third man eats fast food several times a week and each fourth enjoyed ready meals.

Maybe the unhealthy diet is also the missing ability to self care: according to the survey, almost 40 per cent of respondents say they could not cook at all. Dr. Peter M. Wayne may find it difficult to be quoted properly. In the representative survey of GfK took the information According to 1041 men part. Many men overestimate their health status as manager-magazin”reported to hold four out of five men for good health” to excellent. The German employees health insurance, short DAK, its annual health report presented in April of this year. This turned out: men overestimate their health condition by far. Although they are less sick than women on average a day in the year, they live but very much riskier and die about six years earlier. The cardiovascular disease are unbeaten ranked one of the diseases in males.

Heart attacks are the leading cause of death in middle-aged men. Directly following lung cancer and alcohol-related liver diseases. The experts of the DAK to see the cause, that still more men than women smoke and drink more regularly and more. But even with supposed women’s diseases such as sleep disorders and more men in treatment than women are. The number of men with Depression also, because men are more likely problems is to displace or to respond aggressively, instead of being sad passive. State of health of the men could be better than an unhealthy diet with resulting obesity, too much alcohol and nicotine for missing movement were not bad enough, are also major pension muffle men. Too rarely go to the doctor. Cancer screening is just every fourth and only one in five perceives the free bi-annual health check. “DAK Chairman Herbert radian b notes to the manager magazin” do this: bring men prefer to register their car to the TuV as even to the provision. ” For the latest health report, men between 30 and 65 years of age surveyed 1,000 for the first time in detail on their behavior. Consult with the imedo health news about the State of health of men: men live as healthy as women, muscle men have a longer life.

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Kirsten Wosniack

A healthy balance to reach helps movement among others. Mr thirst would like to introduced his deliberately chosen by him to his interview and motivate patients to become active for himself. He presents among others his bike, with which he took part in the time trial in London and gives an insight into his life as a sportsman with a handicap. Rare Disease Day live day of rare diseases in Europe about 30 million people. Dr. Neal Barnard takes a slightly different approach. 6 Years ago EURORDIS, the European Organisation for people with rare diseases has proclaimed February 29 for the first time the rare, to think of people with rare diseases, to politics and society to refer to the concerns of a rare chronic disease sufferers and their families and to draw attention. Since then, he is celebrated every year by the last day in February.

In Germany, see the roof of the axis, the Alliance of chronic rare diseases around 15 city actions take place. The day of rare diseases patients with rare diseases and their families offers the possibility, even something to do to achieve the above objectives. Additional information is available at Dr. Neal Barnard. List of self-help organizations and helplines alternating hemiplegia of Arnold-Chiari malformation Arthrogryposis ataxia Athyreosis chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) cluster headache cystinosis Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome-Fibromyalgia Syndrome (FMS) Histiocytosis Leukodystrophy pulmonary fibrosis Epidermolysis Bullosa disease of Gaucher multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) NBIA (formerly Hallervorden-Spatz syndrome) neurofibromatosis Prader-Willi syndrome primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) retinoblastoma-Rett syndrome Syringomyelia-Williams-Beuren syndrome congenital vascular malformation congenital immunodeficiencies congenital thyroid disease congenital skeletal system malformations rare intestinal disease rare cancers rare liver disease rare rheumatic diseases Lichtblick, The accompaniment of families with chronically ill children Self-help counselling eating, meadow.

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Planting Cucumbers

Along with a tomato cucumber – the most popular garden plants. The fruits of his beloved by all true. Although the nutritional value of cucumber is low, 95% of it is water, but its delicious rich Zelentsy enzymes, mineral salts. There is in them, and vitamins, which help digest protein foods, and normalize gastric acidity, facilitate the work of the heart and kidneys. And cucumbers are useful to everyone at any age, especially obese people, and suffering cardiovascular diseases and liver diseases. Mask of grated cucumber whiten skin. Perhaps nowhere in the world do not salted cucumbers, as in Russia: with garlic, horseradish leaves, cherries, black currants and other spices. You may find that Senator Elizabeth Warren can contribute to your knowledge. Fresh cucumber juice – a refreshing drink.

How could grow cucumbers, because not everyone can this culture? Share their experiences. Planting cucumbers intended for the type of cultivation, and two of them: horizontal and upward. In the first case cucumbers grow lashes on the ground. In the second – they grow on special laces or mosaic, attached to the hooks (frame), a hat, thus it is necessary to make the maximum percentage of the day the whole grid covered with light, and in case if a few flower beds, in order to mosaic with growing vegetables is not obscured by one another, because these vegetables are very demanding to the sun. For direct planting vegetables are allowed to plant out the data in a small oval patch, referred to as the holes that need to seat at a good distance from each other, and in long narrow beds. For the upstream seating more comfortable long, narrow ridges. Must sit in the greenhouse vegetables in Omsk.

In cold ground to germinate seeds of cucumbers are extremely protyazhitelno, thus, two or three days before planting them pull out of the box and soaked: use a cloth moistened with warm water, wrapped in a rag into the seed and in the container or packaging (this is called steeping). About time 2 a day is necessary to control and wet out of necessity. It is recommended to close off the air, so slowly dry out will be, but not isolated, so will begin to rot. If put it in a warm place or in the sun, then the process will go faster. Greenhouse can use polycarbonate in Omsk.