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The Withdrawal

Detergents can be used with the function to remove dirts and to penetrate in cracks, but these do not have to be mixed other agents of cleanness, therefore they can inactivate one or another one during the cleanness (LANA, 2000). After the withdrawal of lot must to carry through cleanness efficient, where if remaining portion removes of ration that porventura is in the place, removes equipment, washes, disinfects (with deodorants that they better provide action on pathogenic agents) and it displays to the sun; it leaves bed, gets wet and enlona the truck; they are swept and they washed ceilings, screens, walls silos and pisos (LANA, 2000). After the accomplishment of the cleanness, initiates the disinfection process, that still must be made with the humid installations, where if applies insecticides of low toxicidade and whitewash hidratada with water. The great difficulty is in carrying through the disinfection if attacking the environment (JAENISCH et al, 2010). According to Saints (et al, 2009), it can also be used quaternary ammonia, phenols and cresis and chlorine.

The installations must be closed and without use per approximately 10 days (LANA, 2000). Some factors exist that can influence in the action of the deodorant, as for example: Phenolic coefficient of the product; dilution in which the deodorant is used; temperature and way of application and time of exposition (LANA, 2000), in addition the antimicrobiana performance can be affected by the presence of organic material (JAENISCH et al, 2010). In such a way it is necessary to observe some points during the choice of the deodorant: not to be toxic for animal men or, to be highly germicida, who are effective, to be not-corrosive, to be soluble in water, to have to be able of penetration, preference to be odourless and to have low cost (LANA, 2000). According to Lana (2000), it is in this period (that it precedes achegada of the pintinhos), that you vary activities must happen, for example, the extermnio of rodents; the revision and maintenance of the equipment, curtains, screens and roofs and other problems that can porventura appear.

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Jerusalem Artichoke

This is one of the few plants that can be grown for decades in monoculture, without prejudice to the soil. Drought Jerusalem artichoke is not afraid – even during a severe prolonged drought, it almost does not lose leaves, but stops the growth. Jerusalem artichoke is a great biomeliorantom contributes cultivation of the soil, while protecting it from wind and water erosion. He even planted on land withdrawn from agricultural use in the extraction of coal, oil, on the former quarries, landfills and dumps. After 3-5 years artichoke cultivation, the soil recovers its fertility. A green artichoke array produces 2 times more oxygen than the similar area of forest. Jerusalem artichoke has a unique resistance to pests Agriculture, he has virtually no pests – Medvedkov, wireworms, caterpillars different scoop – causing minor damage to plants and are very rare.

Jerusalem artichoke – high-yielding fodder crop. In conditions Nechernozemie yield of green mass can be up to 60.0 t / ha and tubers – 40.0 t / ha and provides access to 7.5-10.0 tonnes / ha of fodder units, 6.0-6.8 kg / ha of digestible protein. Jerusalem artichoke and has high nutritional qualities due to the presence in it of valuable components of the chemical composition. Tubers contain 18-22% sugar, up to 2.5% of protein, vitamins B and C. The mineral composition of the mineral elements contained to 6% phosphorus, more than 5% of iron, which makes tubers particularly valuable forage for .Helianthus Green mass contains up to 20-25% dry matter. It includes a carbohydrate complex, a significant proportion of which is a special type of starch, inulin, are processed in the body of animals in digestible fructose, and contains a complete protein (which is represented by 16 amino acids including 8 essential ones), as well as vitamins and fiber.

Green weight of Jerusalem artichoke is used for cooking high-quality silage. 100 kg green mass of 20-25 have nutritious food units. This is 1,5-2 times higher nutritional value of green mass of sunflower. 1 kg of tubers contained 0,23-0,29 food units. For comparison: in 1 kg of fodder beet contained 0.12 fodder units except the green mass, used in fresh or silage, the tubers are the earliest animal feed. Jerusalem artichoke readily eaten by almost all animals: cows, horses, goats, sheep, pigs, rabbits, etc., and are equally happy to eat the aboveground and underground plant parts. Along with the use for feed, Jerusalem artichoke is increasingly being used in national economy, as a feedstock for a syrup, crystalline fructose (made from 100 kg to tubers can be from 9 to 10 kg of fructose, while from sugar beet – from 4 to 6 kg.) alcohol, fodder yeast. Tubers are used as a dietary food product in the cheese, boiled or fried. Of great importance is the possibility of harvesting artichoke tubers in early spring and autumn, allowing perevestiHelianthus operation of sugar mills on almost year-round job, in return for their seasonal activities, downtime due to lack of raw materials. Varieties of Jerusalem artichoke cultivated in Russia: Kyiv white, red, fusiform, Patato, Maikop, White, , , Volga 2, Leningrad, The North, Interest, and others. By interbreeding with artichoke sunflower created a hybrid – topinsolnechnik that will significantly improve the efficiency of this culture. Potato tubers are clean, but It should be noted that after the harvest in the land is quite a lot of tubers, so that the land of Jerusalem artichoke in the second and subsequent years, it can never produce it can only be clean, and he grows up.

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Nutritional Paradigms

By: Raul Alejandro Guzman giving continuity to my previous entries, arrived at one of the first ideas I assimilated as product of my readings and analysis of the information: nutritional paradigms. First that nothing, what is a paradigm? Basically it means example or model. In the context of the scientific paradigm establishes what must be observed, the type of questions that need to be formulated, how should be structured such questions and how should be interpreted the results. When a paradigm can no longer meet the needs of a science (e.g. to new discoveries that invalidate previous knowledge), then comes a new one. A paradigm shift is something dramatic for Science said. In the social sciences, the paradigm is related to the concept of worldview. The term is used to describe the set of experiences, beliefs and values that affect the way in which a subject perceives reality and shaped its response.

Both definitions are complementary and speak much about padlocks we wear ourselves, and do not allow us to open ourselves to new ideas (which coincidentally often are higher realities). Our traditional paradigms work in various aspects such as limits. It is worth reflecting on this issue awhile. For everything we have paradigms, and the vast majority we were imposed or copy them without being confronted with our deepest opinion and reinforce it with research. Begin to break paradigms and create new ones on the basis of the internal debate is an interesting process, even if the result is a paradigm that is not socially accepted (what is most common among those who have different ideas). Returning to the subject of health, is easy to recognize the general paradigm of people on issues of food and nutrition: nutrients necessary for healthy living are in our food, we don’t need to take vitamins, there are many hereditary diseases, all are either eaten, have bad luck when you paste us certain disease or illness, doctors are Experts on the subject of nutrition, vitamins make tumors and cancers to grow, etc.

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Gynecological Laparoscopy

More recently, laparoscopy has given rise to a real revolution in gynecology. This is not surprising, because in addition to such advantages as minimal trauma and a short rehabilitation period, a laparoscopy has such advantages as an accurate and clear diagnosis, and most importantly – during laparoscopy preserved bodies which, when abdominal operations can not be saved. So what is different from the usual method of laparoscopic abdominal surgery? In the second case to reach the organs, the surgeon takes a scalpel and makes the cut. Dr. Peter M. Wayne is full of insight into the issues. At laparoscopy, the doctor makes a small puncture (5-10 mm) and enters through them carbon dioxide – it is done in order to raise abdominal wall and give the doctor a place to work. Through the same puncture of the surgeon enters the optical device that is connected to the monitor screen. After the diagnosis, the doctor inserts through the punctures in the abdomen required Tools-manipulators.

The doctor monitors the progress of the operation looking at the screen. There is a long series of gynecologic pathology for which is the most effective treatment by laparoscopy. For example, ectopic pregnancy. Previously, patients with this diagnosis were operated only after there is a rupture of the uterine tube and started bleeding. Another disease is "torsion of appendages – it had been treated by removing twisted bodies. Modern laparoscopy allows in most cases, saved her from certain infertility. First place in frequency among the ongoing laparoscopic surgery is uterine fibroids. Laparoscopy also allows you to remove a benign tumor (cyst), ovary, cut the adhesions to tubal ligation for sterilization, to remove the uterus with fibroadenoma, to restore patency in the Uterine tubal infertility.

Without a laparoscopy, doctors would not know about endometriosis. This disease is an overgrowth of cells lining the uterus inside, in other places – for example, on the surface of the peritoneum. The main problem associated with endometriosis, a diagnosis. Endoscopist only after the introduction of an optical instrument into the abdominal cavity is able to see the full picture of the disease and cure it. In cases of diseases such as polyps and uterine fibroids, laparoscopy, your doctor may instead appoint a woman, still less traumatic operations – hysteroscopy.

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Energy Efficiency

The climate-friendly actions must match the individual situation and needs. Only if it is not perceived as a burden, we will change our behavior in the long term and thus effectively. 3) Explain rather than confuse: people need to be stronger with contexts as convinced with facts. Only who understands their own behavior and is conscious, who remains on the ball. Who doesn’t know why he’s doing something, confuse the already the smallest points of criticism and he soon drops his contribution to climate protection.

Eco energy company Polaris whets the appetite the energy revolution we are no eco-fundamentalists. Rather we want to enable people with Polaris, to make a meaningful contribution to the turn of the energy that goes with them”, says Florian Henle Polarstern. The three founders, Florian Henle, Jakob Assmann and Simon Stadler are the sins of their energy as for example the own motorcycle or the Macke, upon entering a room to turn on the light. At the same time they are committed to the expansion of renewable energies. Because they see less in the absence of things as in conscious dealing with them the way in the future. And energy include for the founders to contemporary life as well as air to breathe.

Therefore, they want to motivate their energy supply, their appearance and their communication to the MIT and imitation. Not because you have to do it as a responsible human being, but because it is fun and sense, to live consciously. As reported in the corporate blog, for example, a vegan self-experiment, about sustainable fashion or the personal experience of yoga. We want to show that renewable energy is part of today’s lifestyle,”explains Florian Henle. * Forsa, sustainability survey, survey 2012 on Polaris the Polaris GmbH was founded, to change the world. As an independent energy provider Polaris inspires people worldwide for energy transformation and them provides a meaningful transition to renewable energy. The company offers a product that consumers in all Germany not only 100% genuine green electricity, but also 100 percent genuine eco gas with direct aid connects. Each customer as active provides related his energy for the expansion of renewable energies in Europe and in developing countries. To 1.25 cents at current and 0.25 cents at the gas will be invested in new European eco-power plants sold per kilowatt hour. In addition, Polaris for each customer supports a family in Cambodia with the use of clean energy. The building is supported by micro biogas plants. This improves the quality of life both here and there. Green electricity as well as eco gas are certified by the TuV Nord; the eco power supply carries beyond the green electricity label, quality label in the category of gold.