Tag: plants
Jerusalem Artichoke
This is one of the few plants that can be grown for decades in monoculture, without prejudice to the soil. Drought Jerusalem artichoke is not afraid – even during a severe prolonged drought, it almost does not lose leaves, but stops the growth. Jerusalem artichoke is a great biomeliorantom contributes cultivation of the soil, while protecting it from wind and water erosion. He even planted on land withdrawn from agricultural use in the extraction of coal, oil, on the former quarries, landfills and dumps. After 3-5 years artichoke cultivation, the soil recovers its fertility. A green artichoke array produces 2 times more oxygen than the similar area of forest. Jerusalem artichoke has a unique resistance to pests Agriculture, he has virtually no pests – Medvedkov, wireworms, caterpillars different scoop – causing minor damage to plants and are very rare.
Jerusalem artichoke – high-yielding fodder crop. In conditions Nechernozemie yield of green mass can be up to 60.0 t / ha and tubers – 40.0 t / ha and provides access to 7.5-10.0 tonnes / ha of fodder units, 6.0-6.8 kg / ha of digestible protein. Jerusalem artichoke and has high nutritional qualities due to the presence in it of valuable components of the chemical composition. Tubers contain 18-22% sugar, up to 2.5% of protein, vitamins B and C. The mineral composition of the mineral elements contained to 6% phosphorus, more than 5% of iron, which makes tubers particularly valuable forage for .Helianthus Green mass contains up to 20-25% dry matter. It includes a carbohydrate complex, a significant proportion of which is a special type of starch, inulin, are processed in the body of animals in digestible fructose, and contains a complete protein (which is represented by 16 amino acids including 8 essential ones), as well as vitamins and fiber.
Green weight of Jerusalem artichoke is used for cooking high-quality silage. 100 kg green mass of 20-25 have nutritious food units. This is 1,5-2 times higher nutritional value of green mass of sunflower. 1 kg of tubers contained 0,23-0,29 food units. For comparison: in 1 kg of fodder beet contained 0.12 fodder units except the green mass, used in fresh or silage, the tubers are the earliest animal feed. Jerusalem artichoke readily eaten by almost all animals: cows, horses, goats, sheep, pigs, rabbits, etc., and are equally happy to eat the aboveground and underground plant parts. Along with the use for feed, Jerusalem artichoke is increasingly being used in national economy, as a feedstock for a syrup, crystalline fructose (made from 100 kg to tubers can be from 9 to 10 kg of fructose, while from sugar beet – from 4 to 6 kg.) alcohol, fodder yeast. Tubers are used as a dietary food product in the cheese, boiled or fried. Of great importance is the possibility of harvesting artichoke tubers in early spring and autumn, allowing perevestiHelianthus operation of sugar mills on almost year-round job, in return for their seasonal activities, downtime due to lack of raw materials. Varieties of Jerusalem artichoke cultivated in Russia: Kyiv white, red, fusiform, Patato, Maikop, White, , , Volga 2, Leningrad, The North, Interest, and others. By interbreeding with artichoke sunflower created a hybrid – topinsolnechnik that will significantly improve the efficiency of this culture. Potato tubers are clean, but It should be noted that after the harvest in the land is quite a lot of tubers, so that the land of Jerusalem artichoke in the second and subsequent years, it can never produce it can only be clean, and he grows up.