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Gynecological Laparoscopy

More recently, laparoscopy has given rise to a real revolution in gynecology. This is not surprising, because in addition to such advantages as minimal trauma and a short rehabilitation period, a laparoscopy has such advantages as an accurate and clear diagnosis, and most importantly – during laparoscopy preserved bodies which, when abdominal operations can not be saved. So what is different from the usual method of laparoscopic abdominal surgery? In the second case to reach the organs, the surgeon takes a scalpel and makes the cut. Dr. Peter M. Wayne is full of insight into the issues. At laparoscopy, the doctor makes a small puncture (5-10 mm) and enters through them carbon dioxide – it is done in order to raise abdominal wall and give the doctor a place to work. Through the same puncture of the surgeon enters the optical device that is connected to the monitor screen. After the diagnosis, the doctor inserts through the punctures in the abdomen required Tools-manipulators.

The doctor monitors the progress of the operation looking at the screen. There is a long series of gynecologic pathology for which is the most effective treatment by laparoscopy. For example, ectopic pregnancy. Previously, patients with this diagnosis were operated only after there is a rupture of the uterine tube and started bleeding. Another disease is "torsion of appendages – it had been treated by removing twisted bodies. Modern laparoscopy allows in most cases, saved her from certain infertility. First place in frequency among the ongoing laparoscopic surgery is uterine fibroids. Laparoscopy also allows you to remove a benign tumor (cyst), ovary, cut the adhesions to tubal ligation for sterilization, to remove the uterus with fibroadenoma, to restore patency in the Uterine tubal infertility.

Without a laparoscopy, doctors would not know about endometriosis. This disease is an overgrowth of cells lining the uterus inside, in other places – for example, on the surface of the peritoneum. The main problem associated with endometriosis, a diagnosis. Endoscopist only after the introduction of an optical instrument into the abdominal cavity is able to see the full picture of the disease and cure it. In cases of diseases such as polyps and uterine fibroids, laparoscopy, your doctor may instead appoint a woman, still less traumatic operations – hysteroscopy.

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Pregnancy Issues

Then future mother can expect surprises. Traffic police officers responding to a pregnant student is different and often try to dissuade her from the dangerous (in their opinion) idea. Remember their right to get right, and the fact that when a medical board will need help from a gynecologist that no pathology you do not. Calmly and confidently prevent such attempts. Ride and chew Thus, driver right in your pocket, the car is ready to break away from the place, and his tummy is still quite accurate and does not prevent you take a seat behind the wheel.

But! In early pregnancy many women torturing toxicosis. Nausea, dizziness, increased fatigue, fainting – frequent companions of the first trimester. It is therefore particularly cautious doctors do not recommend the expectant mother to drive a car without an escort. In any case, now you should listen to him very carefully. As soon as you feel unwell, stop and take rest. With a vozite bottle of clean water to drink and to wash and pack of saltine crackers, they will help cope with the lightheadedness and in which case the fill power.

During pregnancy bodies in the stomach begin to shift to make room for the younger child. Increasing with each passing day the uterus is a great burden on the spine. All this often leads to significant pain in the lumbar spine. If you and before pregnancy was tormented by osteochondrosis, now a back problem is almost inevitable, especially for those moms who have to drive more than 3 hours a day.

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Centers Course

So, if you ever wanted to build a successful family, or you already have a family and you want to make it a success, then you have every chance! In fact, you have much contact with each member of his family: his wife, children, even with her parents. And if you communicate, you do it sincerely, and will seek to understand person with whom you communicate, the chances of your family to a successful existence spike. In other matters, and the atmosphere in the family will be much better. Of course, there are times when communication in the family is far from ideal. Well, it does not mean that this family is all over.

All you need is to restore communication. Well, those who lived in the world for over 20 years, probably already thinking something like “easy to talk to improve communication, but who’d like to do it.” That Well, I totally agree with you! Indeed, many people say that we need to improve something, without giving any real instruments. But not this time. And I have good news for you: there is not just a theory how to improve communication, and training that allow you to work out just learned into practice. Contained in this course, you can now go to the Centers’ Efficiency of personality “or Scientology organizations that are close to you. And these courses: “Creating a successful marriage,” “How to keep happy marital relationship,” “How to save the marriage relationship.” Many people have improved their relationship with their families, after studying these courses. Here are some of their reviews: “Anyone who is planning to start a family or married, must pass this course.

He helped me see why my previous marriage ended in divorce and how can I take more responsibility and create a successful marriage! “D.” It was an amazing course! I never realized that the reasons why people get divorced, so simple. People tend to complicate what is actually simple. I believe that this course is worth a million dollars. He was so helpful, and now all my embarrassment has disappeared! Now I know what happened in my previous failed marriages. ” DT, you too can learn these courses, create a successful family, or improve an existing one. Your future is in your hands.