Ken Wilber Education

Holistic education is undoubtedly education of the 21st century to form human beings with a planetary consciousness, is a vision of peace, love and intelligence. This new paradigm has begun to generalize and develop during the past 20 years, although part of their roots are from the beginning of the century through the development of quantum physics, ideas that were discussed at that time and which strongly refuted to the mechanistic science of the time took almost a century to begin to be generalized. MULTILEVEL MULTIDIMENCION in the philosophy of holistic education has been used a perspective multilevel multidimension to develop a model oriented integral, that distinguish and consider different levels and dimensions of the educational experience and allows us to locate and integrate the different educational past and present theories as well as the foundations of education holistic which are generally ignored. The goal is to have a coherent and comprehensive image that allows us to know the depth and location of the parties, as well as recognize the centrality of spirituality in the 21st century holistic education. You may want to visit Dr. Neal Barnard to increase your knowledge. A multilevel perspective education can be considered in five whole levels, these levels can be perceived in terms of the integral vision of Ken Wilber as holones, i.e. totalities, parties within totalities, parties that make up an educational holarquia whose distinctive and essential nature is the evolution of consciousness, moving from the particular to the universalmatching depth with breadth, which is not always the case with the holarquias. It is important to emphasize that the five levels of educational whole link education with evolution of consciousness, a planetary awareness is more complete than an exclusively community awareness or ethnocentric. LEVELS of conscience conscience individual community awareness social awareness planetary consciousness consciousness spiritual communities of learning one of the main purposes specifically in education, is that as teachers let us work in schools, and we form communities of learning in our classrooms, with co-workers, with all the people around us, not realizing that as term time while we need to teach, now is time and learn, help our students so they can learn to learn.

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