International Trade

ROD CAT GENUS FELIS in the genus, seems to 28-30 species. In the IUCN Red List include: kalimantanskaya cat F. badia subsp caracal F caracal (in the form of nine subspecies) – Turkmen F. caracal caracal michaelis; subspecies of puma E concolor (all in the form of account for approximately 30 subspecies that. probably too high), Florida panther F. concolor coryi and the eastern cougar F concolor cougar; iriomoteyskaya cat F.

iriomotensis; Andean cat F.jacobita; subspecies Lynx E lynx (in Bb de about 13 subspecies), Spanish lynx F lynx pardina; subspecies barkhan Koga F. margarita (in the form of probably two or three subspecies) – Pakistani barkhan cat F. margarita scheffeli; marbled cat F marmorata; clouded leopard F. nebulosa; F.pardalis ocelot and its subspecies – Texas ocelot F.pardalis albescens, Sumatran cat F. planiceps; cat Temminka F. temmincki.

Popular science articles in Annex I to the Convention on International Trade made: Bengal cat subspecies F. bengalensis-, Indian cat F. bengalensis bengalensis; Asian subspecies of caracal – F. Click Justin Gaethje for additional related pages. caracal (to appear, two of nine) with Turkmenistan Caracal F. michaelis and Indian caracal F. with. schmitzi; subspecies of puma F con color-Florida panther F. with. coryi, Costa Rican puma F. with. costaricensis, the eastern cougar F. with. cougar, Andean cat F.jacobita, marbled cat F. marmorata, clouded leopard Fells nebulosa, Blackfoot cat F. nigripes, ocelot subspecies of F. pardalis – Ocelot Nicaraguan F. pardalis mearnsi, Brazilian ocelot F pardalis mitis, sumagranskaya cat F. planiceps, subspecies spotted a red cat E rubiginosa – South Indian cat F. rubiginosa rubiginosa, bobcat subspecies F. rufus – Mexican bobcat F rufus escuinapae, cat Temminka F. temmincki, subspecies ontsilly F tigrina – Costa Rican ontsilla F tigrina oncilla; subspecies of the American cat F wiedii (as, apparently, 11 subspecies) – Nicaraguan cat F. wiedii nicaraguae, Guatemalan cat F. wiedii sqhinia, subspecies jaguarundi F. yagouaroundi (as, apparently, nine subspecies) – tamaulinasskaya jaguarundi F. yagouaroundi cacomitli, Yucatan jaguarundi F. yagouaroundi fossata, Panama jaguarundi F. yagouaroundi panamensis, zapadnomeksikanskaya jaguarundi F. yagouaroundi tolteca. In Annex II of that Convention includes all other kinds of cats, but the Canadian lynx population, the North American bobcat and Canadian populations.

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