Green Tea Helps Fight Cancer

The many health benefits of green tea green tea stands has long been known for its cancer prevention and anticancer properties. But the more green tea cancer studies undertaken are accepted, it becomes clear that even much more effective green tea is against cancer than ever before. There are dozens of studies showing the cancer-prevention and anti-cancer properties of green tea. Science believes that it is the high number of the antioxidant Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), flavonoids and polyphenols that prevent the formation of cancer cells, will kill existing cancer cells and prevents cancer cells will spread further in the body. Breast cancer: Studies on animals suggest that the polyphenols in green tea to slow down the growth of cancer cells and slow down.

Was found in a study of 472 women with varying levels of breast cancer, the cancer which spread slowest among women with the highest consumption of green tea. Prostate Cancer: Researchers in Southeast China have found that the Risk was due to prostate cancer at an increased consumption of green tea. Lung Cancer: Laboratory analysis polyphenols have slowed significantly the growth of lung cancer cells in test tubes from green tea. Kolo-rectal cancer: several studies have shown that daily drinking of 2-5 cups of green tea leads to a significant reduction in risk of colon and rectal cancer. In some cases up to 60%.

Ovarian cancer: studies have shown that it a) gives a clear correlation between increased tea consumption and a reduced of risk of ovarian cancer. b) women with ovarian cancer, at least a cup a day drank green tea, lived longer. Skin cancer: Scientists have found that EGCG and polyphenols in green tea have anti-inflammatory cancer-preventive properties. Properties that can prevent the formation of skin tumors, maybe. Stomach cancer: Controlled laboratory studies have shown that polyphenols inhibit the growth of stomach cancer cells. Bladder cancer: A study on women showed that Green tea consumption reduces the risk of developing bladder cancer. Another study, carried out on men, proved that green tea consumption led to a much better five year survival rate. Esophageal cancer: Tests on animals have shown that polyphenols slow down the growth of esophageal cancer cells. Pancreatic cancer: Scientists have discovered a direct association between the consumption of green tea and reduced risk of pancreatic cancer. Women who drink lots of green tea are up to 50% lower risk for pancreatic cancer. The prevention rate in males at 37%. More studies are carried out, the clearer it becomes: green tea helps fight cancer. Green tea is the probably healthiest drink on Earth. Manfred schillings

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