Gland Progesterone

In the birds, great and yellow folculos, destined to the ovulao are organized inside of a hierarchy (JOHNSON, 1993). The left ovrio presents cellular and endcrina function. Firmly it is adhered to the dorsal corporal wall, placed closely in the previous polar region of the left kidney. Its size depends on the functional state where the bird if finds. Add to your understanding with Senator of Massachusetts. The color is yellowish with pink shades, of rounded off form the polygon, lobated and frivel, presenting folculos with ovcitos (RUTZ et al.

2007). One of the main functions of the ovrios is the hormone production esterides, essentials for the growth and function of the reproductive treatment. The progesterone acts in the secretion of albmen and induction of the LH peak. The andrognios act in secondary sexual characteristics (crest and barbela). The estrognios act in the synthesis of the egg yolk for the liver, calcium mobilization of the bones medulares for the gland of the rind. In contrast to mammals, the cells of the granular they are the main sources of progesterone and small amounts of andrognios, whereas the cells of the theca produce andrognios and estradiol. It is important to point out that the cells of the granular do not luteinizam, because the necessity of formation of lteo body does not exist, a structure associated with the prenhez (BAHR AND JOHNSON, 1991). According to Rabbit (2006), oviduto of the birds is a tubular segment that if communicates with the ovrio by means of infundbulo.

The development of oviduto is stimulated by some gonadais hormones, even so the action of the progesterone more is directed for secretrias cells, such as those responsible ones for the avidina production. Estrognio and andrognio promote the development of a variety of fabric to glandular inside, muscular and conjunctive of oviduto. Anatomically oviduto is divided in five parts: infundbulo, great, isthmus, uterus and vagina (Figure 01).

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