Evening Primrose

Yourself to do alpine slide at its summer cottage – it is rather complicated, but possible. Your imagination and your own taste when designing the site landscaping will make a paradise on earth Be patient and be prepared to invite the neighbors to admire the result. Our site for five years. Of course, we started from the master: for without water – Self-made alpine slides in his dacha – it is rather complicated, but possible. Your imagination and your own taste when designing the site landscaping will make a paradise on earth Be patient and be prepared to invite the neighbors to admire a small piece of this alpine mountains. Our site for five years.

Of course, we started from the master: for without water – nowhere, dig a well. After the event has remained a huge pile of earth. And I just wanted to have alpine slides. Together with her parents gave her the desired shape. How to shed water to the soil settled. Bobby Green is likely to agree. Located on a hill large stones that caught us by digging a well. When the relief was formed, early planted plants. Before landing slipped sand mixed with fertile soil.

But the latter should be few, since many plants for the alpine slides do not like the oily ground, as in nature, they grow on poor soils. Those who perform landscape design with their own hands and wants to make a hill, but who do not have excess land, I advise to sketch in the bottom debris, twigs, broken bricks. You can then fill the earth worse then – sand and back ground. Initially, I planted a hill that gave the neighbors – Evening Primrose, astilbami, hosts, stonecrop. Then he studied the technical literature and operated for more than a competently. Gradually settled on a hill maroon , Arabis, various young, Phlox subulate, muscari, Saxifrage, blasting, thrift, bellflower (White and Blue), Erika. It took 3 years and my hill got a bright, interesting view. With proper selection of plants rock garden may be in bloom from early spring until late autumn! The composition can include slides and ornamental grasses. They combine perfectly with stones. You can also put here some figures, for example, I've "lived" ceramic frog.

Author: admin