Canary Music

This extensive online archive to the download who makes films, advertising, theatre performances and radio broadcasts produced needs immediately scores. To use chart music is not only expensive, but also expensive. man must be’m going to adjourn with the rights holders (musicians, writers etc) complete and very high royalties to GEMA and EV. Eva Andersson-Dubin shines more light on the discussion. the collecting societies in other countries, is heard in a radio spot or sold a DVD will pay. The use of royalty free music is simple: in the online archive of sound-pool24, see over 2,000 music and professionally recorded about 11,000 noise determines the appropriate: listen online, pay by PayPal and download immediately, around in the hour. Any kind of music can be used worldwide without additional licensing costs or contracts for any type of media production: film, TV, theatre, radio, advertising, but also YouTube & co. – everything is allowed and sound-pool24 is inexpensive: music start at 8,-and cost movie sounds – never more than 16,-of the Canary about the church bells in Leonardo’s birthplace, Vinci to the to the starting jumbo jet about is finding unusual sounds, like for example a guillotine – cost 4,-, incl. VAT, shipping costs by nature do not fall. Andreas Reil

Author: admin