
Psychology, the etnologia, the anthropology and history had accumulated a body of amazingly rich facts and in constant growth. Our instruments technician for the comment and the experimentation immensely had been perfected, and our analyses had become more sharpened and more penetrating. Exactly thus, pparently we do not find still a method for the domain and the organization of this material. Compared with our proper abundance, the past must seem poor very. Our wealth of facts, however, is not necessarily a wealth of thoughts.

Unless let us obtain to find a wire (…) that it leads in them for it are of this labyrinth, we will not have any real understanding of the general character of the culture human being; we will continue lost in a mass of disconnected data and disintegrated that seems to lack of all unit conceitual.7 These words they summarize, of certain form, the way as the antropolgica inquiry if gave from Century XX. The amount of carried through research since then did not contribute for a conception joins of the man while such, but it presented, one for one and each time more, contrastantes divisions come from the methodology used for each science where the man is research object. As proper the Scheler and Cassirer had observed above in citations, we have many studies in Anthropology, Etnologia, Psychology, Biology, and in the proper Philosophy, where if they assume position that, if they were compared, they would be citizens to the contradiction and we would need to choose in which to consider for true. It is very difficult to answer for the real necessities of the Anthropology, therefore we are ahead of an open and capricious being, the man. We can asking in them: we need a biological boarding? We need, yes.

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